Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Moovie nite note: Friday, 1/26

The Oscar nominations came out and I have hardly seen any of the nominees. The heck with it.

Stranger than Fiction
, the Will Ferrell comedy, which I don't think has been nominated for anything, is playing at the Crest this Friday. Let's go the the 7:00 pm show, with coffee-an' afters at the LFP Third Place Books.

If you want to to dinner beforehand as well, let me know. Otherwise, see you there!

The Crest Cinema Center.

Stranger than Fiction: precis; website.

Lake Forest Park Third Place Books.


Oscars 2006

Speaking of Oscar: For three years running, I have hosted an Academy Awards bash, watching the show on big and/or multi-screens. Maybe it's because I don't have much connection to most of the nominees this year, but I'm wondering if we don't want to mix it up a bit. We could do an alternative gala, or even an anti-Oscar party. Just wanted to let you know that I'm open to suggestions - let 'em fly!

1 comment:

John said...

What about a party where WE are the academy? Allow the vox populi to determine our own results. Instead of The Oscars, We'll call them the Walakas... and we can send email to celebrities inviting them to our red carpet gala. Everyone in the room can vote secretly, you tabulate and let guests take turns opening the envelopes. We could still do the pre-voting quiz, and see how we fare.