Monday, January 02, 2006

Event notice: Firefly: discussion needed

Although many of us are all still recovering from the all-night New Year's Eve dogtacular, there are those amongst us already clamoring for another white-wall spectration marathon: to wit, the Firefly Every-episode Viewing Event and Remembrance (FEVER).

Some background:
The Serenity science-fiction movie that came out a few months ago was actually a coda to a short-lived Fox television series, Firefly. Twelve episodes aired between September 20 and December 20 in 2002; three other episodes were made but never aired.

FEVER will include a viewing of all fifteen episodes of Firefly in one sitting. Why? Um, cuz it sounds like fun? Anyway, IMDB says the episodes clock out at 40 minutes, so were looking at an even ten hours of viewing. (For comparision, LOTR is either 9.3 or 11.4 (extended versions) hours for three movies and Star Wars is 13.2 hours for six movies.)

In early days, we decided it might be best to do this over a three-day weekend, so people's other-than-work stuff is impacted less. The next one up is January 14-15-16 (MLK holiday). It would be unseenly to do it on Monday, I think, so:

Question one: Is Saturday 1/14 or Sunday 1/15 the day for FEVER?

If we want ten hours of viewing (twelve if we want to watch the Serenity movie again), how do we want to schedule it? I think if we start at 10:00 am, we can get get it in without pulling another all-nighter, and even take breaks for, like, eating and stretching and breathing fresh air and stuff.

Question two: What should the viewing schedule be?

Have at it. When we get it decided, I'll send out another notice.


John said...

Sorry to admit this here, but the 'Hawks are playing a playoff game on one of those days and I'm probably going to have to watch that. The schedule won't be announced until after next weekend's games. Sorry to toss that monkey wrench into it.

Walaka said...

Dammit, John, it was your frickin' idea, wasn't it?

Courtney Putnam said...

I vote for Sunday. I'm giving massages Saturday...
